Baobei, Baobei

[NW] Baobei Baobei Chapter 8

There was absolute silence in the lecture hall. At this point, Baobei only felt that the world was full of surprises!

There were a few reasons for the silence.

Some were wondering if a senior from another faculty had entered the wrong classroom. No matter what, he looked only the age of an assistant professor or a postgraduate student. Didn’t they say that the lecturer for this module was a successful businessman from the United States? He looked slightly over twenty, so if he were the rich and knowledgeable man, then life was just too unfair!

Some of them were seduced by his good looks. A handsome man with a good figure and stylish dressing to boot, this was a rare gem that would only appear in idol dramas. Did they become calefares to some actor’s movie? Some even looked around, trying to spot cameras.

And then there were some who were just in shock.

Shi Xiaoxi and Fang Jie exchanged looks. The idiotic Xiaoxi ruthlessly pinched Fang Jie’s cheeks, and the latter cried out of pain. “Does it hurt?”

“Of course! Shi Xiaoxi, are you looking for death?” The two of them quickly got into battle mode.

“That’s the guest lecturer? He’s so pleasing to the eye!” Jiahui cupped her cheeks, her breathing somewhat rushed.

“Hey hey stop that! That’s Baobei’s man!” Shi Xiaoxi, who had been suppressed by Fang Jie, blurted out with much difficulty.

“Huh?” Jiahui was confused for a moment.

“That’s the BMW guy!”

“Oh!” Jiahui covered her mouth.

“Sister Jiahui, you have just fully expressed how we felt when we met Lecturer Jiang!” Shi Xiaoxi dramatically spun her fingers in the air, and leaned towards Baobei. “Baobei! Please take me in!”

“Baobei! Take me in too! I know how to warm the bed!”

“Baobei, I know how to eat, drink and defecate!” They lowered their voice as they continued their banter.

Baobei was still in a daze. It was only when the man at the podium had set up his things, and glanced in her direction that she snapped out of her daze. The lecture hall was full today. Logically speaking, his glance could be interpreted as a normal gesture, but Baobei felt that he was intentionally looking at her. She even felt that their eyes had met for a few seconds.

“Hey brother, are you sure you are at the right place?” One of the braver male students asked the question that was in everyone else’s mind.

Jiang Moxiu shot a look at the direction of the voice and then smiled. Gasps could be heard across the hall.

He turned around, and wrote his name on the blackboard.

“For the next semester, I hope that we can coexist peacefully.” What a practical request. “I won’t be doing roll calls, so please feel free to sit out of classes, so long as you can pass my tests”.

He paused, looked at the namelist that was left on the table, then looked around the classroom.

“Did I walk into the wrong classroom?”

Lecturer Jiang, take pity on us, we are the poor students who couldn’t get into your class”, the same male student spoke up again.

Jiang Moxiu smiled. “Then my only request for everyone is, don’t disturb the other students”.

“His smile is gorgeous!” Shi Xiaoxi hooked Baobei’s arm, flirtatiously putting her head on Baobei’s shoulder, acting coy.

That’s right! He smiled twice within a minute! When he was dining at her sister’s house, he did not even smile once, all he did was act cool!

Boabei pouted, her heart full of resentment.

Coincidentally, he looked in her direction again.

“This child is acting cute”, Fang Jie squeezed Baobei’s cheeks.

“Lecturer Jiang is using his expressions to tease Baobei!” Shi Xiaoxi stifled a laugh.

“Enough, you all!” It was rare that Baobei did not refute them with her sharp tongue. Baobei opened her textbook, and prepared to concentrate on the lesson.

“Since the class has been delayed by a few weeks, I won’t waste anymore time on casual talk anymore. Let’s begin.”

The next two classes were quite exciting. Through Jiang Moxiu’s use of actual cases to draw out comparisons and explanations, the profound and inflexible legal terms appeared less dry and easier to comprehend.

“Youth is like mahjong, you either let others win, or you win. How many otakus and fujoshis had tried all sorts of means to get themselves laid! Baobei, towards a treasure like Lecturer Jiang, who’s both rich and talented, I would suggest that you make up your mind already and make him yours!” Xiaoxi suggested thoughtfully.

“Shi Xiaoxi, if you really become a hooligan, I’ll remember to tell others that you were once innocent.” After two lessons worth of “recuperation”, Baobei had long regained her battle prowess.

The class had ended, but few left the class.

“Lecturer Jiang, do you mind sharing your phone number?” A crisp female voice sounded from the back of the classroom.

“Woah!” Everyone turned around to see who the brave girl was. Some of the male students whistled, but the girl who stood up among the crowd did not back down.

Baobei recognised this girl. She was the school belle, Su Yutong. With a height of 176cm, her beauty caused an uproar among the male population when she was a freshman. She was reportedly a freelance model, and often participated in photoshoots for popular magazines. Her Weibo was also filled with celebrity-like selfies. She was most certainly an influencer.

He’s definitely a player! Just one day in class and he could attract someone as pretty as the school belle!

Everyone was waiting for Jiang Moxiu’s response.

Our Lecturer Jiang did not appear affected. He packed his things slowly, smiled at the students, then left the classroom.

It was later when Baobei was much more familiar with him that she asked, “Such a beautiful girl had hinted that she was interested in you, how could you remain so calm?” Lecturer Jiang replied, “A teacher for a day, a father forever. In my heart, she’s no different from a daughter to me. Besides, the class had ended, and our fates had also ended there”. At that point, Baobei was also cursing internally at Lecturer Jiang for being a hypocrite; wasn’t she also another “daughter” of his?

“Lecturer Jiang is too cool!”

“That’s right!”

“Who does she think she is? It’s not as if all men will be seduced by her!” Other girls were laughing at her misfortune. Su Yutong was so popular that most girls did not like her.

“So proud!”

“She might be a beauty, but her standards are too high.”

“He was in the United States; he probably met all sorts of women, and might have even had a fling with some celebrities before. Why would he care about her?” Some of the male students were green with envy, while others were angry at the thought that some girls were just gold-diggers.

As the object of discussion, Su Yutong did not look affected. She walked down the steps of the lecture hall confidently, and left the room.

“Baobei, a strong opponent has appeared”. Shi Xiaoxi felt the atmosphere had livened up.

“Tsk! That will also have to depend on the guy. If Lecturer Jiang is true to Baobei, then Su Yutong would only be a woman with malicious intention, a supporting character! And we still believe that there are good men in this world”, Fang Jie said.

“Ah! Just like Miss Fang’s Jia Jian right?” Shi Xiaoxi concluded, both girls bickering again.

“Stop spouting nonsense”. Baobei stood up to pack her belongings. “We are just childhood friends, and now … we don’t really have a relationship”.

That was true! She could not assume that she meant anything to him, just because he did some vague actions! Baobei still felt awkward. After all, they had not kept in contact after he flirted with her and exchanged numbers with her. He could just be teasing her.

When she returned to her dorm and refreshed her Weibo page, she came across this line: What I truly hate is, you say that you miss me, but you don’t do anything about it. Baobei felt that this line truly reflected her current situation.

During their discussion in the dorm, Baobei continued to refresh her Weibo with her iPad.

“Baobei, did you take a good look at Su Yutong today?” Shi Xiaoxi was still quite excited.

“I come across her often on Weibo, the guys in our class always repost her stuff”. Baobei replied. This girl had a high EQ. It appeared that she had her emotions in check.

“Tsk! I think she’s plain, without make-up or photoshop, she wouldn’t even be that pretty”. This was something that Baobei admired about Shi Xiaoxi. She was always straightforward, and would even express her envy or jealousy.

“Xiaoxi, maybe you should also try your hand at make-up and photoshop. Too bad you’re naturally less pretty, so even if you apply make-up or photoshop, you won’t be as pretty as her,” Jiahui teased.

“I’m not talking about myself. Besides, so what if I’m envious or jealous? I’m just not convinced! Those men are really useless. During the voting for the school belle, Baobei had lost to Su Yutong by only a few votes”.

Baobei was stunned. “There was a vote?”

“You didn’t know? How could you not know?” Shi Xiaoxi said frantically, then paused as she thought, “It was during the winter holidays, didn’t you pay attention to the school forum? We all thought that you were upset about it, hence we didn’t say anything”.

“Ermm… I was in Switzerland with my grandparents for the new year…”

The dorm plunged into silence. Shi Xiaoxi once again felt all sorts of envy and jealousy.

“Baobei, then Lecturer Jiang and you are…” Fang Jie asked cautiously.

“He’s just an old friend of mine, nothing more”. Baobei pulled her blanket over her and prepared to sleep.

He can do anything for all she cares!

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