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We are not currently accepting new translators.


Can I translate Japanese?
Absolutely; we need more Japanese translators on our team!

What about Korean?
Unfortunately, ISO does not accept Korean translators.

Do I need experience?
No; although we do require all applicants to pass a translating test, you do not need any experience in translating itself. After all, practice makes perfect and all translators had to start from somewhere. However, we do ask that you have decent skill in English.

Will I be required to keep a consistent schedule?
No; you can update whenever you want, but you will be removed from ISO if you remain inactive (not updating) for more than two months. If you need to be away for two months or so due to personal reasons, just let us know beforehand.

Will I be paid?
Yes; you earn ad revenue calculated based on the amount of page views you generated on your translations. However, ISO is a hobbyist group, so if you're planning to translate for the monetary benefits, this is not the group for you.

How will I be paid?
Please create a Paypal account.

How do I apply?
We are not open for applications right now.

When will I know if I passed or not?
We will message you within 48 hours on Discord if you pass. If you failed, you will not receive a message.


We accept editors by demand, so you can only fill out the application form when there are translators who request for an editor.


Will I be paid?
Rarely; ISO is a hobbyist group, so if you're planning to edit for the monetary benefits, this is not the group for you.

What will my schedule be?
Since ISO's translators are not restricted to a schedule, your schedule will depend on the translator you're assigned to.

What if I submit my edits late?
Once again, it depends on the translator, but most are lenient and open to posting an unedited chapter and adding the edits on later.

How will I be tested?
You will select a project on the application form and be asked to edit a passage from the project. Yours truly (Vin) will look at your edits first, and if it passes, your edits will be passed on to the translator. If the translator decides that you are suitable and satisfactory, you're in!

How do I know if there's a position open?

Status: Not OPEN


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