End of World Businessman

Chapter 41.4: Escape Attempt [4]

Author: He Feng Yang

Translator: HeXie  

Editor: HeXie

Chapter 41.4: Escape Attempt [4]

Chen Baoguan, was crawling on top of the pick-up truck as he shot at the zombies’ tide before him. Then, while he was constantly shooting the zombie’s tide, he saw that the giant zombie had eaten the last ability user from the truck behind his vehicle and was ready to run again.

At that moment, the bloody madman Lan Cheng’s residents were afraid of, finally tasted the feeling of despair and panic; that his presence always brought to the general populace. And his face rapidly turned ashen as dejection and defeat permeated through his heart.

It was not only him, the other eight zombie hunters in the same truck as him were also trembling in fear. And one or two of them even peed their pants due to the feeling of death and terror the giant zombie brought with its presence. And these eight men were core members of Chen Baoguan’s team.

It was karmic retribution. After all, it was unknown how many times they had passed through the refugee camp, bringing with them the feeling of death and terror to people there. They delighted in shooting the unarmed refugees to the point they gained the nickname, ‘Devil’ amongst the refugees.

And now, it was their turn to experience such actions that left them helpless in front of absolute power. Just like what the refugees’ felt when they faced them.

However, at this moment, they finally saw what the real devil was. Something that they couldn’t possibly match. Facing this horror, they were so scared they lacked the strength to pull the trigger despite holding a gun in their hands.

“B-big boss, there are two roads ahead. Which one should we choose?”

Thinking that the giant zombie had given up chasing after Wu Ye’s group, Chen Baoguan decisively chose to stake everything on one move and desperately said, “Separate from Xu Yan’s convoy!”

“Yes!” The driver sitting in the front seat steered the steering wheel hard and turned the truck towards another fork in the road. According to the map, this path required a detour of considerable distance before they could get out of the county. However, it was worth it if they could get rid of the huge zombie chasing them.

Chen Baoguan didn’t believe in the existence of God and Buddha. However, at this moment, he sincerely begged for some higher-power to bless him.

When the giant zombie reached the fork in the road, it hesitated, not knowing which path it should choose. Finally, following its instincts, it chose to run to the direction where the scent of the ability users was more prominent.

“T-that’s great, it’s finally…” A nearly paralyzed zombie hunter spoke with delight. But before he could finish his sentence, a third-level mutant zombie suddenly sprang up beside him and grabbed his neck. It then dragged him out of the truck. And for a long time, only his mournful screams echoed in the street crowded by the zombies.

No one knew whether this fork in the road would lead them to the living world or to hell. And they couldn’t spare any thought to save anyone, especially when the ammunition and energy were running out. All they could do at the moment was to pray they would get out of this county with their life intact.

Meanwhile, Wu Ye’s side was climbing up the high-storied apartment. Fifteenth floor… Eighteenth floor… Twentieth second floor… And finally, after thirty minutes of climbing, Wu Ye’s group reached the twentieth fourth floor.

When they reached the top floor, the three gold ability users vomited blood as they used their ability to melt ten security doors, combining them into a huge iron door that was used to block the entrance to the top floor.

“Don’t fall down yet. We need to find a house right away and seal all its doors and windows to prevent our scent from leaking out.”

Hearing his words, Yang Li Na, Gao Jing Shu, and Xu Dan struggled to get up after they wiped a handful of blood from the corner of their mouths. Their energy had long since been exhausted and they were currently relying on absorbing energy from the crystals nuclei to use their ability. Therefore, their meridians all felt sore from overuse and they were in great pain all over their body.

If they were to be honest, their bodies were at the end of their endurance and were only supported by their will. In fact, during their retreat, Gao Jing Shu’s leg was torn apart by the zombies. As such, one of his legs right now were rotten as blackish mucus flowed out from the wound, which looked exactly the same as that of the zombies. The color of his face was blue and white. His whole body was hot and sweaty. And from time to time, he looked like he was in a trance. All of which were signs of impending death and he was about to turn into a zombie.

The reason why he was able to persist up until now and even continued to use his ability was all because he was supported by belief and iron will.

The same belief Peng Zijun held.

His wife, son, father, and mother all lived in Lan Cheng. And they all depended on him to earn a living. Once he fell, the only thing waiting for the old and young of his family was the terrible condition of the refugee camp. And that was why he wanted to do one more task before he died. If he did a good job, perhaps the other people who might live past this would remember him a little. And maybe, because of that, they would give a little protection for his wife, son and parents in the future after he died...

Aside from him, there were still six other people who were infected like Gao Jing Shu and Peng Zijun. And all of them held the same idea as they struggled to support the others.

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