Pampering My Husband Every Day

Chapter 16.3 - Snakes??? (3)

Qin Ge hugged Wu Tong the entire night. Although he was unable to sleep peacefully, his mind was strangely at peace. He couldn’t quite understand his former self. Why did he always have such reckless thoughts floating around his head whenever he was around Wu Tong? Qin Ge lowered his head and gently kissed Wu Tong’s forehead. Under the moonlight, he closed his eyes and slowly relaxed.


After resting for an entire day, Wu Tong regained much of her strength and vigor, so the two of them decided to continue with their honeymoon plans.

Wu Tong sat in the front passenger seat and watched as they drove farther and farther away from the city. She couldn’t help but ask, “Where are you driving to?”

“You’ll know when we get there.” Qin Ge rented a car early in the morning and brought Wu Tong along.

“Since you’re not using a GPS, are you familiar with our destination?” asked Wu Tong.

“I’ve been there once before,” Qin Ge responded.

“Huh???” So you’ve actually been here before. Seeing as Qin Ge was unwilling to reveal where they were going, she couldn’t be bothered to continue questioning. Besides, I’ll know when we get there.

After driving for about another 10 minutes or so, Qin Ge pointed ahead and said, “We’re here.”

Curious, Wu Tong looked up. Upon looking at the large sign out front, her blood froze and she looked at Qin Ge, who was in the midst of parking the car, in disbelief.

“A snake farm?!?” Wu Tong could practically hear the trembling in her own voice.

“Are you scared of snakes?”

With such an obvious expression on my face, do you even need to ask?!

“I’m terrified of mollusks. If we’re here to see snakes, I am not in the least bit interested. Let’s go back,” Wu Tong said.

Qin Ge’s brows furrowed as if he was being put in a tight spot. He deliberated for a moment before leaning over to unbuckle Wu Tong’s seat belt as he said, “Don’t worry. I’ll protect you.”

“I-I really don’t want to go,” Wu Tong resisted.

“The owner of this snake farm is my friend. When they heard about our marriage, they specially prepared a performance for me,” Qin Ge explained.

As soon as Wu Tong heard that the owner of the snake farm was Qin Ge’s friend, she hesitated for a moment before getting out of the car and following Qin Ge.

Qin Ge held Wu Tong’s hand as they walked and he tried to comfort her, explaining: “Don’t worry, the snakes that are performing have had their venom sacs removed, so they’re quite harmless and only look a little scary.”

Wu Tong heard shrill cries as they drew closer to the snake farm.

Qin Ge chuckled as he held Wu Tong’s hand and quietly led her into the venue. “Looks like there are tourists here today.”

Wu Tong anxiously clung to Qin Ge. Although she was scared, curiosity still got the best of her, so she also watched the performance unfolding on the circular stage. The first performance involved a man handling a snake with his bare hands. The performance was anxiety-inducing yet exciting and thrilling. The frightened audience cried out repeatedly throughout the performance while Wu Tong tightly clung to Qin Ge’s arm.

The second performance featured two cobras attacking each other, which was also a frightening sight to behold.

The third performance was the main event. It featured a beauty and a python dancing together. The python was three meters in length and was as thick as a man’s arm. It wrapped around a young woman with a lithe and graceful figure as the two of them swayed to music, dancing gaily. This scene was bizarre yet enchanting. Wu Tong watched the duo with both fear and respect.

Qin Ge seized the opportunity to explain, “These snakes have all been trained so they won’t randomly attack humans. In fact, they’re basically like house pets.”

“Well, I still don’t like them.” Although Wu Tong wasn’t as scared as she was initially, she still looked quite pale. “Where’s your friend? Let’s hurry up and leave after the performance is over.”

“She’s not done performing yet.” Qin Ge used his chin to motion at the young woman dancing on stage.

“She’s…” Wu Tong looked back at the young woman, mesmerized.

A few minutes passed. The performance finally came to a close and the audience burst into applause. However, the young woman didn’t leave the stage. Instead, she attentively scanned the crowd before her gaze finally landed on Qin Ge. She smiled as she cheerfully waved, shouting: “Qin!”

Qin Ge stood up and waved back.

The young woman wrapped the snake around her waist and cheerfully shouted, “Come over here.”

Qin Ge glanced at Wu Tong who looked back at him with a resistant gaze. He led her through to the front of the venue and onto the stage. Wu Tong hid behind Qin Ge. She was too afraid to look at the snake, but she was also worried about offending Qin Ge’s friend.

After exchanging greetings with Qin Ge, the young woman turned to Wu Tong with a smile. “Is this your wife?”


“Hello.” Wu Tong cautiously peeked out from behind Qin Ge and smiled at the young woman.

“Congrats!” The young woman seemed to have remembered something as she turned to Qin Ge and exclaimed, “Oh yeah! Here is the wedding gift I promised you.”

Under Wu Tong’s horrified gaze, the young woman commanded the python to wrap around Wu Tong and Qin Ge twice. The snake’s head rested on Qin Ge’s shoulder and flicked its forked tongue at Wu Tong.

Wu Tong froze up immediately but didn’t dare to let out a sound for fear of scaring the python. All she could do was stare at the python, wide-eyed.

Upon noticing the hair-raising scene on stage, the audience that had been shuffling out of the venue was so frightened that shrieks continuously echoed throughout the venue. The shrieking seemed to have frightened the python since it began to writhe about uneasily.

Wu Tong was petrified. She stared at the python as its eyes slowly narrowed.

“Crap.” The young woman noticed her python growing agitated and impatient and was about to take it back but she was too late. She saw the python suddenly arch its back and launch itself at Wu Tong.

“AGH!!!” Wu Tong screeched, squeezing her eyes shut.

Just as the python leaped at Wu Tong, Qin Ge’s right hand shot out and aimed straight for the python’s heart. Upon being struck, the python became more vicious in its attacks. Both Qin Ge and the python were soon locked in close combat. Wu Tong was so scared that her lips had turned pale but she didn’t dare to open her eyes.

Seeing how frightened Wu Tong was, Qin Ge’s mood soured and he grabbed both ends of the python with his bare hands. Noticing this, the young woman hurriedly took the python and returned it to its cage.

The staff dispersed the screaming audience and the venue slowly quieted down.

“Wu Tong, everything’s fine now, open your eyes,” Qin Ge said soothingly.

Wu Tong had been scared out of her mind so it took a while before she finally registered Qin Ge’s voice and slowly opened her eyes.

“Everything’s fine now, don’t be scared,” Qin Ge gently reassured.

As if she had lost all her strength, Wu Tong collapsed to the ground and sobbed.

“Don’t be scared.” Qin Ge suddenly regretted bringing her here.

“It’s all your fault.” Wu Tong fiercely pounded Qin Ge’s chest. “I already told you I was scared of snakes. Why did you have to do this to me?”

“It’s all my fault. We’ll never come here again,” Qin Ge murmured.

So I will likely go on a 1-year hiatus :( Feel free to pick up this novel if you want though. <3

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