End of World Businessman

Chapter 031.2: Severing Ties [2]

Author: He Feng Yang  

Translator: HeXie  

Editor: Larkspur

Chapter 031.2: Severing Ties [2]

Taking the steamed buns from his father, Wu Ye put it into his mouth without washing his hands. During the battle to guard the base, they almost only ate the war meal provided by Lan Cheng base every day. And, the meals were made from potatoes and cabbages without any meat in it. As such, it was only natural for people who had returned from there to crave meat.

“Dad, your face also looks particularly radiant today,” Wu Ye realized after sometime. “It seems that the body-strengthening pill has a good effect on your body. I’ll get you some more later when I have the chance.”

At this time, Wu Li also came out of the room. His face, which had always been pale, had unexpectedly retained a little pink hue today, and the bluish purple color of his lips had faded somewhat.

“Brother, I feel much better, you don’t have to…”

Wu Ye knew what he was going to say, so he cut the conversation off directly. “As long as it works. Next time I go over there, I’ll give you another one.”

Red crystals were needed to exchange for the body-strengthening pills. The solutions Wu Li needed had to be exchanged with orange crystal, but it was still extremely rare on the market right now. No one would be willing to sell them at all. After all, they were all reserved as treasures to improve their abilities. However, there were relatively many red crystals, so it wouldn’t be difficult to pay a high price to get two or three hundred of the red crystals.

“You know that’s not what I meant!”

“Alright, I know. The steamed buns the old man bought are still hot, do you want to eat it now?”

Wu Li’s perfectly round eyes were seething with rage as he glared at Wu Ye. “Not eating!”

“If you don’t want to eat this... mom, did you cook some porridge? It smells good.” Wu Ye went into the kitchen, taking with him the steamed buns.

Since Father Wu himself came from a grassroots level, there were not that many loathsome rules in his family. Therefore, Wu Ye was allowed to chat while having breakfast, gathering a general understanding of the situation at home through this conversation.

Father Wu, who foresaw the future prospect of artificial intelligence production, was not going to wrangle with Zhou Wang Yuan for a group that had become an empty shell.

Zhou Wang Yuan who had received the news that Wu Ye had returned safely, knew that he had one less chip in his hand.

Wu Sen was worried that when Wu Ye returned, he would be unhappy that the group’s assets had been hollowed out by him. If Wu Ye were to make a huge fuss over it, then even though he had boasted that he had done it secretly, a detailed investigation would be conducted. And, he’s afraid that he would also be unable to avoid the jail alongside his old man. That’s why, he had to guard against someone who had basically nothing else to lose.

The three parties shared the same goal, and all of them wanted to settle this matter as soon as possible.

So, the final result of the negotiation was that Father Wu would have to return all his shares to the company. In addition, he would hand over his three villas, eight commercial houses, five luxury cars, stocks, funds, deposits, and so on. Furthermore, he would also hand over Mother Wu’s jewelry and antique calligraphy and painting that she’d collected over the years. With the total value of over 500 million yuan, all these were to compensate for the company’s losses after which, there would be no further entanglement whatsoever.

On the day Father Wu handed over his shares and left the company, Zhou Wang Yuan couldn’t wait anymore and immediately held a meeting with the upper-echelons of the company to change the group’s name, reorganize the company’s internal management structure, and sell off some subsidiaries.
Not long after that, it was exposed that the former Wu Group, which had changed its name to Zhou Group, and Ouyang family, its old rival, had jointly divested their investments to work together to create the largest residential property in H city. The other person involved as the project leader was Wu Sen’s fiance, Ouyang Xin.

Wu Sen, who took the blame and resigned from Wu Group, didn’t seem to be willing to follow the Eldest Miss from Ouyang family and live off of her as a househusband. Nor did he invest in his maternal uncles’ family businesses. Instead, he got up from where he fell, and started his own business, entering the e-commerce industry. It’s said that he managed to win over his first overseas financing.

On the surface, the only property the Wu family had left was the house in the school district under Wu Ye’s name and the 12 million Wu Ye got from selling the high-rise apartment he owned previously.

Honestly, this sum of money was nothing compared to Father Wu’s previous assets, but in the eyes of ordinary people, it was not a small amount of wealth at all. If the ordinary people from working class spilled their blood for a lifetime and worked to their bones, it would still not be enough to earn so much money just depending on their salaries. So, as long as Wu Ye and his family of four didn’t mess around, that amount of money was enough for them to live comfortably.

Once, in Wu Ye’s absence, Wu Sen, being a hypocrite, visited their door, saying that he was to be blamed for everything, that he had met the wrong person and invested blindly behind his father’s back. He was willing to give up his right of inheritance and left the remaining assets of the family to his parents and two younger brothers. He would never attempt to lay his hands on it.

As a sign of his sincerity, he especially hired a lawyer to come with him and drafted the declaration of inheritance waiver.

HeXie: Well, well, well... you guys are welcome to hit him. Hopefully there's a reason why he did this. Though... I'm sure I'd still dislike him.

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