Chapter 30

Although Qiao Yanzhou disagreed a bit with Gu Zixing’s words just now, in the end the naïve and cute Qiao Yanzhou nevertheless did not have second thoughts and believed Gu Zixing.

And fighting alongside Gu Zixing on the GML stage was a fantasy that Qiao Yanzhou had many times before. Sometimes he even had dreams about it. Even if he wasn’t fighting alongside Gu Zixing, even fighting against him was fine ah!

But at the time, Qiao Yanzhou clearly understood that the probability was even smaller than a comet hitting the earth.

But today, at this very moment, it seems a comet really did slam into earth…

“Who…who do I pick ah…” Qiao Yanzhou looked at his own champion pool (1). He scrolled through the champion portraits and nervously felt that he didn't really know how to play any of them.

Champion pool: Just a term for all the champions he can play

"Whatever.” Gu Zixing didn’t mind. He just casually spoke and turned his head back around.

Qao Yanzhou looked at Gu Zixing. At this moment he really didn’t want to hear this word ‘whatever’ from Gu Zixing.

Whatever? What do you mean whatever? Where is this casual? It's not casual at all… If he really chose the wrong champion and made Gu Zixing uneasy, even if he took the blame himself, every EG fan would dig him out to silence him.

Don’t even have to kill him, he would be done for if even one person went to his stream and scolded him. Qiao Yanzhou didn’t dare to take the consequences.

“I’m not going to pick ‘whatever’.”: After carefully pondering all the details, Qiao Yanzhou told Gu Zixing this.

“Then how about you come stand behind me and give me a massage and pour me tea and water.”


Frustrated, Qiao Yanzhou propped his chin up as he stared at his champion pool for a while. Thinking about the good champions of this patch as well as the ones he could play, he decided to shyly ask. “Is Thresh ok? I feel like I can’t play the others.”

“That’s fine.” Gu Zixing didn’t even think about it before responding.


Qiao Yanzhou vaguely remembered that he previously heard some gossip that when Gu Zixing went ADC, he was especially picky about lineup. During critical moments, it was like he had OCD. Finally the team couldn't stand it and threw him mid lane.

But right now it seemed like Gu Zixing didn't have that exaggeration like the media reported. Qiao Yanzhou said he'd pick this and just let him pick it. Gu Zixing didn’t even say any extra words. It was probably something just hyped up by the media!

Luckily Thresh, The Chain Warden, was not banned by the other team.

But Gu Zixing was not as lucky. The enemy had 5 ban slots and three of them were ADCs. It goes without saying that in this competition, WG was targeting Gu Zixing. Although the news that Gu Zixing was returning bot lane was not official yet, old veteran teams like WG were already on guard.

Qi Chen, seeing 3 ADCs being banned by WG, couldn't help but grip his wrist as he shook his head and patted Gu Zixing on the shoulder. “Laoge(2), please be more awesome in this game. Maybe that way they’ll leave all 5 bans for you the next game.”

2. Laoge: term used to address close friends


Although Gu Zixing didn’t really care about a few bans against him, but to have 3 of the bans be against him was a bit overkill.

Some of the commentary was also talking about this and the broadcast camera was also directed onto him.

The host seeing Gu Zixing’s face on the screen began to speak, “Currently WG has banned out 3 ADCs. This is probably to create pressure against Gu Zixing who just went back to bot. God Gu has to pick something a bit more safe and careful after factoring WG’s ADC and jungler picks. We can tell from God Gu’s facial expressions that he is currently analyzing the situation!”

However at this moment in Gu Zixing’s mind, ‘Whatever Little Rooster(3) picks, I’ll play it. Fine, then it's you.’

3. Little Rooster: Xiao Gongji, its some app in China. I'm not entirely sure what it does


It’s such hard work to bitterly talk nonsense in a serious manner as commentary, only to showcase the brain circuits of this exotic flower, Gu Zixing.

The Little Rooster App picked Jhin, The Virtuoso. To tell the truth, Gu Zixing actually wanted to play Twitch, The Plague Rat.

Jhin was the champion used by Yuan Yaoleng during the game Qiao Yanzhou and Gu Zixing bumped into him. But perhaps because it's a newer champion, so you don't see it on the professional stage a lot.

Just returned to bot lane and selected a rather new champion, God Gu was definitely not like other people.

Qiao Yanzhou turned his head to look at Gu Zixing, who looked like he was going to fall asleep soon. He was still a little worried so he asked, “Is that ok?”

“If you keep asking, I'll press you onto a bed and let you see if I’m ok or not.”


If the Qiao Yanzhou before felt admiration towards Gu Zixing, then currently he could be promoted to a revered status.

That's why this person with a thick face could say such a shameless thing without his face going red or his heart jumping! And it's on the stadium! And … and it's with an adult man!

Qiao Yanzhou, with a red face, didn’t pay attention to Gu Zixing.

The competition was about to start very soon. Gu Zixing and them were on the red side while WG was on the blue side.

“F6 start (4), Bot lane go…” Qi Chen spoke halfway through then suddenly reacted. “Ah, wait I’m not the jungler…”

4. F6: term for the raptor camp in the jungle.

“It’s alright. Since you said to start F6 then I'll start at F6.” The new person heard Qi Chen saying this, hurried to stop his route to the red or blue buffs and made his way to the raptor camp.

“Come to the jungle.” Gu Zixing said to Qiao Yanzhou.

Although the jungler already ran to the upper jungle, Gu Zixing still called for Qiao Yanzhou to come to the lower jungle.

Qiao Yanzhou understood that Gu Zixing wanted to fake a leash. This way it would interfere with the enemy jungler trying to figure out their team’s jungle pattern.

“It’s almost time.” The two people were in their own jungle fooling around for awhile. Qiao Yanzhou calculated the time and reasoned it was time to get to the lane.

“You go hit the blue buff, then let the blue buff hit you twice. If you don’t lose at least 100 HP don’t come back…” Gu Zixing said as he walked towards the bot lane.

“Why don’t you do it?”

“Because I’m cooler.”


Gu Zixing arranged it like this purposely to make their act a little more realistic. Have the enemy team really believe that their jungler started bot side, then let Qiao Yanzhou, for some baffling reason, take a few hits.

There was also the other person invited by EG to play with them. Why was this person able to pick the jungler peacefully and have Qi Chen help them, meanwhile he was being instructed by Gu Zixing to go get beat up by the blue buff!

Qiao Yanzhou felt stifled and couldn't help but stamp his foot.

The enemy ADC chose the Yordle Gunner, Tristana. The support was Zyra, Rise of the Thorns. Unfortunately these two people were pro players from WG.

But Gi Zixing simply didn’t care  about these things, just as calm he continued to cs.  

“Mid lane has no flash.”

Yao Le's calm voice arrived. There was also the sound of cheers from the audience. It should probably be because Yao Le made the mid laner on WG use flash.

Actually besides the news of Gu Zixing returning to bot lane, the news of Yao Le returning to mid lane was also causing a commotion with the current crowd. He was originally a midlaner from TR that came to EG and became the support, then replacing Gu Zixing as mid as Gu Zixing finally went bot lane. There were definitely quite a bit of people who wondered what happened.

And looking at it currently, Yao Le’s skills from back then were still here. It was very possible that he was preparing to return to mid for a long time.

This time’s GML gave the media plenty to explode about.

“When the enemy comes to poke, be careful of your position and try not to take too much damage.” Having not paid any attention to Yao Le’s words, Gu Zixing, as always, reminded Qiao Yanzhou.

“En.” Qiao Yanzhou after responding did not continue to say anything. At the moment his entire focus was on Thresh’s hook. Out of all the hook champions in League of Legends, Thresh was number one. Paired with Gu Zixing’s flexible crowd control ability, basically one hook was one death.

But currently the thing Qiao Yanzhou was most afraid of was not being able to hook a single person. If it really was like this, then you're embarrassed, I’m embarrassed, everyone can be embarrassed together.

“Don’t be nervous, if you can’t hook then don't hook.” Gu Zixing said and shot out a bullet at the enemy support. “Stand behind me and I’ll protect you.”

Qiao Yanzhou wanted to talk just now but then realized that what he was saying was a bit fishy.

“I am the support, you are the ADC. Between the two of us, who is supposed to protect who?”

“Support protects AD ya.”

Qiao Yanzhou frowned. He suddenly felt that Gu Zixing had a low opinion of him. Although Qiao Yanzhou before felt that Gu Zixing was not very tactful with anyone, but Qiao Yanzhou was unable to accept this crazy fact. “Then what did you just say ne!”

In between those words, Gu Zixing shot out a deadly shot onto the ADC who wasn’t careful and stepped on a flower. The flower exploded and the ADC lost half their health. The support by the side wanted to use Grasping Roots to hold him in place but Gu Zixing sidestepped it. Then with a critical hit auto attack, knocked out some of the support’s health.

After doing these movements that looked smooth and natural, Gu Zixing continued to reply to Qiao Yanzhou’s question. “I said Zhouzhou, you should hurry and come protect me. I’m quite afraid.”

You're afraid of fart.

“Pfff…” Unexpectedly the person who was sitting next to Gu Zixing, having heard what was said, couldn't help but laugh. Perhaps because the normally noble and aloof God Gu, privately during a competition was unexpectedly like this and was fascinated by this contrast.

And Qi Chen, who was unexpectedly unfazed, said, “Ai, if you want to flirt all the way back to the club then just go ok?”

Only Yao Le didn’t say anything. Although his hand motions never stopped, for some reason his face turned unsightly. You could only see his rigid stare at the screen, as if each ability and movement would leak a secret, making the enemy Lucian unable to resist.

Seeing that the enemy bot laner’s hp was not too optimistic, Gu Zixing was just about to go forward to push the minion wave. But the ADC’s position made Gu Zixing instantly think and said, “Did your jungle get stolen?!”

Gu Zixing’s voice hadn’t even stopped yet when suddenly a silhouette came from the dark. It was the enemy jungler, Wolf, on Kha'zix.

Gu Zixing frowned and he didn't dare to neglect his movements.

As the most experienced player on WG, Wolf managed to exhibit his experience with the positioning of his leap. He fell right outside of Gu Zixing’s range.

Realizing that he was in trouble, at the same time Wolf leaped, Gu Zixing firmly decided to use Heal. But although Gu Zixing’s range was not enough, the enemy’s range was enough to reach Gu Zixing.

Gu Zixing felt gloomy. His finger was hovered over the F key, ready to flash away, when suddenly Wolf seemed to move to the lower right.

“Come ah, can kill.”

Qiao Yanzhou’s voice came through. He saw at this moment that Qiao Yanzhou’s Thresh was standing in the bush and had used his hook to hook Wolf.

It was just at that split second when Wolf was about to use an ability on Gu Zixing that he got hooked. Immediately afterwards an R ability trapped the mantis and restricted the two enemy bot laners, followed by a flay on the praying mantis. An entire set of movements was finished in 1.5 seconds.

Gu Zixing was startled and his eyes were wide. It was very rare to see Gu Zixing have this kind of expression during the competitions.

But even if he was startled, he still needed to follow-up with the movements.

Gu Zixing’s Jhin quickly supported with a shot of Deadly Flourish. Then he decisively flashed forward to get in range and threw a flower under the feet of the praying mantis. The flower exploded and Gu Zixing autoed twice, taking down his HP.

The cheers of the crowd were penetrating through the skies.

Although the coordination was not perfect, it still allowed people to see the level of play from a pro player.

“Xiao Qiao, you’re very capable eh,” Gu Zixing smiled towards Qiao Yanzhou, “Was a bit unexpected.”

“Who did you say was protecting who just now?”

“You are protecting me ah.”

“Are the two of you guys going to get married after this event ah!” Qi Chen's face was depressed, “You two Laoye are making us feel sour.”

As soon as Qi Chen said these words, Yao Le, who had never reacted, suddenly turned his head to glance at Gu Zixing.

“Midlane is missing. Support put a ward in the river!”

After seeing that Gu Zixing’s face carried a pampering smile, Yao Le suddenly pinged a warning and shouted.

But instead of actually issuing commands, it was more like he was venting his intense dissatisfaction.

JADE: Sorry for late post. Also, if some gaming stuff doesn't make sense, make sure to let me know so I can try to explain it better. I play a lot of LoL so everything makes sense to me so unsure of if it makes sense to people who don't play.