Chapter 57

Mingxi laughed enough and knew to stop, otherwise she was afraid that Fu Yangxi would be so embarrassed and angry that he would pull on his wound.

His leg was still hanging. It wasn’t something to be joked around with.

Mingxi sat back on the chair, flattened the quilt that had been messed up by Fu Yangxi and tucked both sides of Fu Yangxi's body solemnly.

"Alright, let's get something to eat. What do you want? I'll go down and buy it."

"It's still snowing outside, what are you going to do? With your thin arms and legs, you might just spill everything by the time you get back. Shall we just order a takeaway?" Fu Yangxi was still reluctant to let go of Zhao Mingxi's hand. "Otherwise, ask Xiao Li to go."

He took her by the hand, extended his other hand to reach the phone on the bedside table and started to look for Xiao Li's phone number.

“What do you want to eat?”

Mingxi gave him the names of several dishes.

Fu Yangxi looked down and typed with one hand.

He typed quickly, entering everything that Mingxi wanted to eat.

Mingxi looked at him, feeling amused. She squeezed his hand. “So it won't snow if Xiao Li goes outside? The food won't be spilled?”

Fu Yangxi felt that she was asking despite knowing the answer and she was teasing him on purpose.

After Fu Yangxi sent the text message, he put down the phone, bent a leg, looked at her and said, “Xiao Li is getting paid, so what's wrong with letting him run an errand?”

Mingxi said, "You can also pay me a salary."

Fu Yangxi said, “You know—”

Mingxi asked, “What do I know?”

“You know— You know that I treat you as a person I like! How can you be the same as Xiao Li?! Why would I pity Xiao Li?! I don't think of Xiao Li as someone I like!”

Fu Yangxi felt heat on his face and spoke the truth. Seeing Mingxi licking her lips and smiling with crooked eyes, he raised his hand angrily and squeezed Mingxi's face. “Why didn’t I notice that you can bully people so much before?”

Mingxi quickly apologized, “I'm sorry.”

“But if you want to return me now—”

Fu Yangxi was stunned. He stared at Zhao Mingxi. Just as he was about to say, what goods did he have to return, how could he return the goods so casually? How could he return the goods when he would find it fortunate if she did not regret her decision!

He heard Mingxi say, “It's too late.”

Fu Yangxi flushed, his heart which jumped to his throat got swallowed back into his stomach.

Mingxi smiled and joked with Fu Yangxi, “Young Master Fu is both rich and handsome. I will be depending on you.”

Fu Yangxi tried his best to restrain the corners of his mouth from curling up, pretending to be helpless. “Go ahead. It can’t be helped.”

Seriously— The Little Mask that had fallen in love with him was no different from what he imagined.

Very clingy.

She just confessed and yet she is already so clingy.

What are we going to do in the future?

The two held hands and talked. In fact, they didn't say anything meaningful, but even though it was all nonsense, both of them were still smiling.

Mingsi thought that if she had known that she would be with Fu Yangxi today, she would have confessed earlier so that she would not waste so much time. Fu Yangxi also thought that if he knew that Little Mask would like him in the end, on the first day he saw her, when he couldn't hold back a feeling of numbness and electricity, he should force her to stay with him by his side.

But regrets were regrets. Fortunately, it was not too late at all.

Within a few minutes there was a knock on the door outside. The two thought it was Xiao Li who came back from buying food.

"I ordered a dozen dishes. How is he back so quick?" Fu Yangxi couldn't believe this speed.

Mingxi said, "I'll open the door."

As soon as she was about to get up, before Fu Yangxi’s hand which was squeezing hers could let go, the door of the ward was pushed open from the outside.

The door was not locked and opened as soon as the door handle was twisted from the outside.

"Why did you get admitted into the hospital so suddenly?"

Those who came in were Jiang Xiuqiu, Ke Chengwen and He Yang. They heard that Fu Yangxi had broken his leg and came to visit.

Mingxi saw He Yang who came in at the end and her entire complexion suddenly became hot.

Oh no.

She hadn't told He Yang about the fact that she liked Fu Yangxi.

As a girl, Mingxi was still a bit shy about holding hands in front of so many people. She hurriedly wanted to retract her hand subconsciously, but she couldn’t.

Fu Yangxi held her hand tighter.

Mingxi raised her head to look at him, the look in her eyes conveying the meaning of: Are we going public now?

Fu Yangxi didn't understand the expression in Mingxi's eyes, he looked back at her in dissatisfaction, the look in his eyes saying: Why did you suddenly let go?

As the two of them were chatting with each other, Ke Chengwen and the other three were about to walk in.

Ke Chengwen looked at Fu Yangxi's left ankle which was in a plaster cast with a terrible expression. “Xi ge, how did you end up like this? What are you going to do when you go to the toilet?”

Mingxi faced them sideways, so they hadn't seen their intertwined hands.

Mingxi couldn't get rid of Fu Yangxi's hand. As she was nervous, she directly held Fu Yangxi's hand, together with her own hand, and tucked it under his quilt.

Fu Yangxi finally understood her meaning. He looked at her with a bitter expression on his face.

However, Mingxi didn't expect that this would make people fill up a hundred thousand words into the empty space left for imagination instantly.

The three of them all saw Mingxi's hand under Fu Yangxi's quilt.

Her hands were still moving and the blanket was bulged into a small ball.

The three of them: “...”

Both Ke Chengwen and He Yang had brilliant expressions.

The ward was exceptionally quiet for a while.

Mingxi and Fu Yangxi didn't realize anything yet.

Fu Yangxi glanced impatiently at the three people who came in. He blamed them for destroying the atmosphere of being alone with Little Mask and asked, “Why are you guys here? Where did you hear about this?”

Mingxi turned her head and glanced at them. “Sit down, there’s a sofa over there.”

How could these two let them sit so calmly?!!

He Yang asked, “Mingxi???”

Ke Chengwen swallowed and said, "Zhao Mingxi, your hand- what is your hand doing in Xi ge's blanket?”

Jiang Xiuqiu crossed his arms and said meaningfully, “Your progress is really unexpected.”

Mingxi looked down and saw—

Fu Yangxi grabbed her hand to prevent her from letting go, so a small lump protruded from the blanket.

Mingxi suddenly realized what Ke Chengwen was talking about. She jumped up immediately, her cheeks hot.

"Wha- what the hell are you talking about? I'm just- my hand is a little cold, so I moved it in to warm it up." Mingxi explained with a buzz in her head.

Fu Yangxi also reacted with hindsight, and his ears were so red immediately that he picked up a pillow and threw it at the door of the ward, “You two have such dirty minds, can you just shut up?!”

Ke Chengwen and He Yang were in shock. They barely believed that Zhao Mingxi's hand was just warming Fu Yangxi’s hands under his blanket.

It's just that when the two looked at Zhao Mingxi and Fu Yangxi again, they kept on feeling that the atmosphere between the two had changed.

They couldn’t put a finger on it, but it seemed to be a step further than the previous ambiguity.

Jiang Xiuqiu and He Yang sat down on the sofa. Ke Chengwen picked up the pillows and made a few cups of tea.

The three just came and sat there for a while. Without taking in a sip of the water, they were urged to leave quickly by Fu Yangxi whose leg was still hanging.

Ke Chengwen was very sad. “Xi ge, how could you be like this? I heard that you broke a bone and came here as soon as possible. You will definitely be able to use me if you want to go to the bathroom later.”

Mingxi actually wanted them to leave as soon as possible, so she didn't even think about it and said, "It's okay, he won’t need you. Fu Yangxi is fine with one leg, and I can also help.”

Fu Yangxi glanced at Zhao Mingxi, blushing and smiling.

See, Little Mask wants them to leave us alone too.

His dissatisfaction with not going public about their relationship was so easily resolved.

Ke Chengwen: “...”

I think something must have happened between the two of them before and after Xi ge broke his leg!

He already wasn’t in a high ranking position before, but now his position was completely squeezed out by Zhao Mingxi!

After a while, a nurse came over and gave Fu Yangxi an anti-inflammatory injection.

Ke Chengwen and Jiang Xiuqiu planned to go to the doctor's office to watch the x-ray films and buy some snacks on the way, so they went out with He Yang.

Mingxi stayed in the room.

After the nurse hooked up the needle and went out, Mingxi got up and tucked the quilt for Fu Yangxi, and then stuffed a pillow behind him to make him lean more comfortably.

Fu Yangxi looked at Zhao Mingxi faintly while those few people were away. “Why did you just let go?”

What did Little Mask mean?

Is she not going to take responsibility?!

After the confession, she doesn’t plan to make us public and wants me to be a secret boyfriend?

When Mingxi heard him mention this, she knew what he wanted to ask. Before he showed his ‘unloved’ expression, Mingxi quickly explained: "I didn't. It’s not that I don’t want to tell them about us. I was just nervous back there and wasn’t ready.”

As Mingxi spoke, she held his hand.

Fu Yangxi took her hand, but still looked at her distrustfully.

After staring at her for a while, he lowered his dark eyelashes, looking sad. He sighed and said dejectedly, “Little Mask, you don't need to explain, I understand. You are just—”

Mingxi was afraid that his imagination would bring him farther away from the truth, so she quickly said, “How about this? You decide when and where you want us to go public. I'm okay with anything.”

"Really?" Fu Yangxi held back the corners of his mouth from raising. His eyes were still red and his face was still looking fragile and injured.

Mingxi really wanted to shake his shoulders. “Really!”

How can I reassure him?!

"Then help me get my scarf, my neck is cold," Fu Yangxi said suddenly.

He had a needle connected to his right hand while his left hand was holding Mingxi's hand.

Mingxi took a glance. His scarf was placed on the bedside table to his right. Mingxi thought that it was enough to turn on the heater for a cold neck, but seeing Fu Yangxi's faint gaze, she decided to go around and help him get it.

However, she couldn't walk before she even started.

Mingxi looked at Fu Yangxi. “If you don't let go, how can I go and get it for you?”

“Find a way.”

Mingxi felt that she had made a mistake by panicking and trying to hide the fact that they were holding hands just now, so she consciously let him bully her.

She knelt on the side of the bed with her right knee, stretched out her hand and went to Fu Yangxi's right to get his scarf.

However, the moment her fingers touched the woolen yarn of the scarf and before she could even grasp it, Fu Yangxi suddenly raised his right hand which was connected to a needle.

Mingxi was about to tell him not to move around and be careful of blood reflux!

When she felt Fu Yangxi's raised hand pressed gently on the back of her neck.


Mingxi was caught off guard. Her balance was unstable to begin with, and now there was another mini electric shock on her neck.

She couldn't support herself any longer. Immediately, she leaned over and fell on Fu Yangxi.

The tip of her nose brushed against his and her lips were directly on the corners of his mouth.

The soft and dry touch went straight from the lips to the heart.

Even her soul shuddered.

We k-kissed?

Just like this—

Mingxi opened her eyes blankly. As she stared closely at Fu Yangxi who was below her, her mind went blank.

Suddenly, they heard a door opening behind them.

The sound of footsteps coming in.

Then there was the sound of the three people sucking in a breath.

Fu Yangxi raised his gaze in time. With his red ears, he held back his shyness, and smiled boldly. “You said we can go public. Why not just do it now? With this occasion?”


ray's note: i am so sorry for the late update everyone! but no worries, to compensate, there will be double updates this week so i hope you'll enjoy~