Chapter 35 – To be struggling so much against Slimes even with my many cheats... (チート持ってるのに、スライムに苦戦するなんて)

I rummaged through my 【Closet】 for a weapon Allis-chan could use.

It might be good to take into account her future usage of wind and water magic too.

Ah, she also has "Super Acceleration", so a weapon that can handle fast movements would be great.

She’s a young girl who’s a beginner at weapons, so a dagger or short sword would be good.


But my otaku heart was screaming, "If the wielder's a little girl, then obviously it's got to be a huge weapon that's disproportionate to her size!!", so I couldn't quite make up my mind.

A huge weapon... so a scythe or a zanbatō? A morning star paired with a young girl might also be good. Seeing this little girl adeptly swinging an iron ball would be so cool~

Though I bet Allis-chan would be the one getting swung around.


"Is there any particular weapon you'd like, Allis-chan?"


This all became way too confusing, so let's just ask what the person in question wants.


"Fueh? A weapon I would like? I've never been interested in weapons before so I don't know."


Obviously─. There's no way a marquis daughter would be interested in weapons~.


"I've never held anything heavier than a teacup or a fork. So I would prefer something light and easy to use, like a fork."


That's right, noble ladies wouldn't really have the opportunity to hold things.

The maids would be the ones to do her hair for her, and if she's never held a hairbrush, she wouldn't hold a wallet or a bag either. The only exception would be a folding fan, I guess?

A fork, huh.... Did I have such a light weapon?

Wouldn't it be faster to just ditch the weapons and master the way of bare-handed fights?

No, that's bad. A marquis daughter who's good at fistfights would be bad.


I looked towards Paul-san for help, but he was busy reaching for his third Giant Frog Toasted Sandwich.

.......Come to think of it, Giant Frog Toasted Sandwiches were from an event from Version 3 of “Love☆Magical”.

It was a dish I made during the Giant Frog Massive Harvest Event, right?


As I recall, you get an item related to cooking depending on the event points you gain.

200 points earns you a frilly apron costume for your avatar.

500 points earns you a full recovery dessert.

And if you gather 100,000 points, you would get the final item of a weapon and avatar accessory, a fork.


That’s it! A fork!! If it’s a fork, I'm sure Allis-chan would be able to hold it!!

I took the fork out of my 【Closet】 and handed it to Allis-chan.


"Allis-chan!! Here’s a fork!!"


"Fueh!? This? Impossible!! I can’t hold this!! It’s too big...."


Yes, it was a fork-shaped weapon slightly larger than Allis-chan's height.

A large weapon, and a fork. Doesn't it match both of our wishes?

Upon appraisal, it seems that the size changes according to the height of the owner.


"Despite how big it looks, it's as light as a real fork, so just trust me and hold it."


After I held it out again while talking, Allis-chan accepted it with a half-doubtful look then shouted out.


"I've been tricked~!! It's so heavy!!"


"Yep!! I lied, but it's still lighter than it looks, right? Allis-chan, that large fork really suits you!! You look like a small fairy holding a fork!!"


It looks heavy, but the weight feels like a 500ml plastic bottle when you actually hold it. It’s not too heavy to hold.

It's made out of mithril, and conducts magic but not heat. Isn't it the best?!

And when Allis-chan holds it, it looks so fairy tale-like, so cute!!

If I held it, it would probably look like the weapon the sea god Poseidon wields. I'm sure of it.


"Then, let's go hunt some slimes at once!! I spot one 600 meters ahead at your 10 o’clock!! Let's head for it right away!!"


Now that you're ready, let's!! Slime hunting!!


"Bella-chan, it's amazing how quickly you found a slime."


Allis-chan looked at me with admiration. Fufufu. You can praise me more if you want.

I have to show my good side once in a while!!

Besides, if I don't use my Presence Detection skill every once in a while, I'll forget it existed and it won't level up.


"I can help with slime-searching, but you're the one who's going to fight them, Allis-chan. Do your best so you can level up, okay?"


“F-fueh... T-then... I’ll do my best to beat the slimes....”


"You can do it, Allis-chan!! You should level up after you defeat 3 of them!! Also, the slimes might spit acid at you, but the poison resistance item you're wearing should activate, so you'll be fine. Don't worry about it and keep going!!"




The slime we found was a beautiful transparent sphere with no eyes or mouth.

It was bigger than I had imagined, and about the size of a balance ball.

Inside the water ball-like body floated a red sphere about the size of an adult's fist.

That red sphere is called a "Demon Core" and you defeat the Slime by breaking that.


Allis-chan brandished her fork and timidly made her way toward the slime.

Yep. As I thought, a fork-type weapon was indeed the best choice.

Allis-chan truly is cute with her big fork. Like a fairy. Adorable.


Taking her time to close the distance, when Allis-chan was only about 1 meter away from the slime, she nervously raised her fork and swung it down with all her might.

But the slime avoided Allis-chan's fork without any difficulty and jumped towards her.

With a large boing sound, the slime soared high in the air, and wrapped its body around Allis-chan's head.

Allis-chan plopped to the ground from the impact.


"Waaaaaah! Allis-chan!! Allis-chan!!"


With the slime covering her head, Allis-chan struggled to even breathe.

I frantically tried to pull the slime off of her, but it was so strongly stuck, that I ended up pulling the both of them instead.


"I cant get it off!! It won't come off!! Allis-chan is gonna die!! She'll suffocate!!"


I was in a complete panic. My mind was completely blank, and I had no idea how to fix this!!

Paul-san shouted as he rushed over in panic.


"Milady!! Kill the slime!! Quickly!!"


"But, I-!! If I do, I might blow off Allis-chan’s head in the process!!"


If I tried to kill the slime by force, it would overkill Allis-chan too!!


"The Core!! The Demon Core!! Just hitting the core is enough!! You don't have to crush everything!! Only the Demon Core!!"


I hurriedly searched for the slime's core. Allis-chan's complexion is getting terrible!! I have to hurry!!

Desperately searching, I finally found the core hidden in Allis-chan's hair.


I forcefully plunged my hand into the slime's body.


"Wha-...... Milady!! Your bare hands─!! You can't!! They'll melt!!"


Paul-san grabbed onto my shoulder in panic as he spoke.


"Don't worry!! I can handle this level of acid!!"


In fact, this level of acid wasn't a problem for me.

I continued to grope around the inside of the Slime until I grabbed the core that was running around, and squeezed it with all my might.


Once I crushed the core, the slime melted like water, flowing out and disappearing.

I immediately hugged Allis-chan, who was coughing harshly and taking deep breaths with her head now freed.


"I'm sorry, Allis-chan!! I underestimated the Slime too much!! I'm so sorry I put you in danger!!"


"Urg... *Cough*... F-fueh.... I-ish okay... Thanks to the Item, I didn't melt...."


"I'm really sorry. I should have done more research beforehand. I'm sorry I made you face something so dangerous."


I thought this would be easy with our Physical Attack Resistance and Poison Resistance, but it was no good at all.

Not to mention, when it came to real combat, I panicked and was completely useless.

If Paul-san wasn't here, Allis-chan might have ended up dead.

Although they were smallfry monsters for beginners in the game, in reality they don’t have patterned movements like in the game.

If I was going to live in this world as my reality, I can't afford to let my guard down or underestimate even the smallest of monsters.


"To struggle so much against Slimes even with my many cheats... I underestimated this world."


Allis-chan replied to my murmur with a tilt of her head.


"I don't know what a 'cheat' is, but I do know that failure is the key to success. I underestimated it too, so let's be more careful when beating the Slime next time!!"


"Allis-chan... You can still go on?"


"Fueeeh.... If I don't, His Highness will hear me singing strange songs... I unconsciously make up strange songs and sing them... That's much scarier than slimes~!"


Allis-chan started to get flustered just from imagining it.

She almost died from a slime, but she's saying that it would be scarier if the songs she made were heard.... Maidens in love are not one to be trifled with.

No, maidens in love are strong.


"Then, we must raise your level at all costs."


After I said that, Allis-chan vigorously nodded her head. Over and over again.


"Yes!! I will properly defeat the next slime!!.... But before that, may I have a potion? I can't stand, nor can I move."


With that said, Allis-chan gulped down her 13th potion and leaned forward.


"Urp!! I've drank too much, I feel sick now.... I want to throw up."


"──Wai-!! Allis-chan!! You can't throw it up!! If you do, the HP you recovered will go back down..... Huh? Will it go down?....... Ah!! Allis-chan, I'll get you a bag so just wait a little!!"

A/N: They say underestimation is the flag for defeat, Isabella.....

※Dagger: A double-edged blade about 10~30cm in length. The optimum length would be one from the user's wrist to the elbow.

※Morning Star: Also known as Morgenstern. It is actually a bludgeoning weapon of a club with a star-like spiked ball attached. As a weapon in fantasy stories, the Morning Star consists of a club as a handle, with a spiked iron ball connected to it by chain. The one Isabella is referring to is the one with a chain, and an iron ball larger than a watermelon.

※Poseidon: The god of the sea in Greek mythology.

※The weapon Poseidon wields: The trident "Triaina". A cheat weapon that can cause storms and tsunamis, sink continents, tear all things to pieces, and even cause earthquakes throughout the entire world. Even Ursch-kun can't create something as good as the original.