Chapter 3 - Settings and Chances of Victory

Chapter 3 - Settings and Chances of Victory (設定と勝算)

Here, I will explain the family background of Isabella, the villainess of [Love☆Magical].

Her father is the current Duke of Rottenstein and the Prime Minister of the Rosereale Kingdom.

Her mother is the sister of the current King of the Rosereale Kingdom. In other words, a former princess.

They wedded each other out of true love.

They bore 5 children, with Isabella being the youngest daughter, having 2 older sisters and 2 older brothers.

The eldest daughter is the wife to the crown prince of the neighbouring kingdom, Diana.

In other words, a future empress.

By the way, they also married out of true love.

The eldest son, who possesses magic, albeit small, frequently associates with the Division of Magic while assisting his father with the dukedom.

His fiancée is the daughter of the general of the Division of Magic.

By the way, they are madly in love with each other.

The second son, having a talent in sword fighting, belongs to the Order of the Imperial Knights.

His fiancée is the daughter of the head of the Order of the Imperial Knights.

By the way, they too, are madly in love with each other.

The second daughter is still enrolled in school, but is already engaged to the son of a count of the borderlands.

By the way, they are madly in love with each other as well.

……Are you beginning to see what I’m getting at here?

Yes, that’s right.

The Ducal house of Rottenstein has too much power.

It’s a whole damn complete set with the royal family, the royal family of the neighbouring kingdom, the division of magic, the order of imperial knights, and the count of the borderlands!!

Obviously it’ll be seen as a threat by the other nobles!!

In addition, a rarity for noble families, the prioritization of marriage out of true love!!

Not to mention, the Isabella in the game had the setting as the fiancée of the second prince.

Now then, where on earth is the Dukedom of Rottenstein heading towards?

By the way, only Isabella’s engagement was forced upon one-sidedly. This was due to Isabella who fell in love with the second prince at first sight and her selfishness.

The Second Prince, who was indifferent and apathetic to everything, stated that it didn’t matter who the fiancée was and accepted the engagement with Isabella.

However, in the magical school where the game is set, the prince encountered the heroine, where his heart was moved and he fell in love… or so the story goes.

Because the engagement between Isabella and the Second Prince was criticised by the other royals and nobles for holding too much political power,

Following the condemnation event, the Ducal family of Rottenstein were accused of planning to overthrow the country,

And had their noble rank demoted. (The eldest daughter is a princess of the neighbouring country, so it seems that it couldn’t be deprived.)

Isabella was then either executed or married off to a middle-aged merchant (not from the schneiver company),

And she was demoted to the very “commoner” status that she held in contempt and disdain.

In other words?

If the political power is too unbalanced right now, then If I were to marry a commoner from the very beginning, it wouldn’t exactly break even but won’t some balance be restored?

If the Isabella from the game was able to force her way into getting engaged with the second prince, breaking through the opposition of the royals and nobles,

Then even if there is a difference in status between us,

If I force the matter hard enough, getting engaged with the second son of a merchant should be possible.

In fact, isn’t this easier than getting engaged with the second prince?

In addition, since all of the family members wedded or engaged out of true love, if it was at the request of the thoroughly pampered youngest daughter, I feel like it’ll manage somehow.

And with that, taking into account the setting of the villainess Isabella which I remembered from my past life, I stood a chance at winning.


Along with Ursch-kun, I barged into the saloon where our parents are.

“Father, mother, we! are getting married!”

As my parents were wide-eyed towards their youngest daughter who suddenly barged in, I went straight to the point. As the saying goes, victory goes to the one who makes the first move.

“Not ‘we want to get married’, but ‘we are getting married.’, that is the key point.
Conveying the strong willpower and emotions, an excellent frontal assault.
On the receiving end, it is contestant Duke Rottenstein.
Due to the sudden ambush by contestant Isabella, he is unable to respond immediately.
Meanwhile, contestant Isabella seems to be awaiting a reaction from contestant duke Rottenstein.
Both sides face each other while taking no further action. The stalemate continues.
Who will make the next move, keep your eyes peeled-“

“Mother, can you please restrain yourself …”

“Of course~, Isabella-chan.”

Unlike my father who froze in shock, mother was fairly calm.

No, on the contrary, are you confused? I’ve never heard of a former princess doing live coverage.

While I was having such an exchange mother, my father who was still frozen… fainted.

It must be a lie, Father.

At the present moment, the eldest daughter has already married off to another country,

The second daughter is married to a count residing at the country borders and despite that,

Just because your third daughter brought along a partner she wishes to marry, you receive enough shock to faint?

The maids ran around in a panic, and the chairman of the merchant company collapsed for reasons unknown.

The employees of the merchant company were ordered to immediately move the merchandise so that they did not get in the way.

Mother keeps laughing, “Oh my oh my, well now, ufufufufufu.”

It wouldn’t be an understatement to say that the saloon fell into chaos.

No, really … I didn’t expect this to happen.

A / N: Thank you for the large amount of bookmarks,

And thank you for your reviews!

Even though it’s not a good-looking guy, rather than that it’s a mob character, where it’s unknown of who would even read this kind of story,

It was good that there was demand. I feel relieved.

Originally, I was supposed to give my thanks individually but if it’s not in public, there’s a possibility I might get careless and drop spoilers here and there.

I sincerely apologise for giving my thanks at this kind of place.

From now on too, please take care of me.

Uwaaaaa!! Thank you for notifying me about the typo!!

I’m grateful that it was pointed out at an early stage!! I almost died of embarrassment!!

winter: by the by, this novel already has a light novel and a manga so feel free to look at those for some of them good arts if you haven’t already done so