Chapter 11 – I believe that you'll believe me.

"Oh no!! I’ve lost sight of Marie!!"

Unlike the me who was panicking, Ursch-kun just tilted his head as though I was acting strange.

"Isn't it fine? She’s supposed to deliver a letter to my house, isn’t she? She’ll probably notice that she passed it sooner or later and come back.”

Normally, yes. But with the way she is now, I'm worried if Marie-chan will be able to reach there safely. With how she’s daydreaming so much, won’t she get hit by a carriage or something?
After explaining such, Ursch-kun agreed to help me search for Marie-chan. And, to make sure we wouldn’t get separated on the busy streets, he held my hand.
So sweet. You’re so sweet, Ursch-kun.

However, there is one thing I'm curious about...
As we walked together hand in hand, I stole a glance at something hanging on Ursch-kun's waist.

"Hey, Isabella. What are you going to do after we find that maid?"

Hearing Ursch-kun call out to me, I hurriedly looked away from his waist.
That was close, too close.
I’d be done for if he thought I was a pervert for ogling his hips.

"Pardon? What do you mean by that?"

"You were secretly tailing her, right, Isabella? So even if we found her, you can’t just call out to her. What are you going to do then? Even if she was in danger, you can’t swoop in and save her, you know?”

A blind spot!! That's right!! Not only was I secretly following her, but I had also snuck out of the mansion without a single escort!!
Even if I decided to watch over her, if Marie got caught up in some sort of trouble, I can’t do anything but watch. Really, even if I chased her down at this point, what is there for me to do?
In the first place, I’d already achieved my goal of searching for Ursch-kun's house, so there’s no longer any need to follow Marie-chan around. However, if I left Marie-chan as she is now and she comes back hurt, I know I’d regret it.

While I was stressing out, Ursch-kun laughed it off saying there was no helping it.
Even if you can't do anything, you're worried about her, right? We’ll cross the bridge when we get there.
Saying so, he began helping me search for Marie.

Ursch-kun, even if I’m supposed to be the adult here, you’re handling this way much calmer than I am. With how cool you’re being at the age of 6, there’s no mistake you’ll be popular with the ladies when you grow up. Urgh!! I won’t hand over Ursch-kun to anyone else!!

With that in mind, we went around looking for Marie-chan.
Every now and then, Ursch-kun would ask the townspeople if they’d seen a maid walking around.
As expected of the son of the biggest merchant in the area, he had a lot of acquaintances.
Still, seeing as the people were all smiles as they interacted with Ursch-kun, the Schneiver Company’s must have quite a good reputation among the locals.

Although it’s fun to run around the streets hand in hand with Ursch-kun, I didn’t want to bother him by taking too much of his time. Not to mention, I’m worried about something happening to Marie-chan in the meantime.

That's where my "Magic Eyes" come in.
Truth is, after trying various things for the past few days, I realized that I can use up to 2 types of Magic Eyes at the same time.

Thus, I tried activating《Pride(Clairvoyance)》 and 《Lust(X-ray vision)》at the same time.
Why didn't I use it right away, you ask?
I forgot about it...
And while it’s fine that I remembered about it midway, but after I found Marie with these Magic Eyes, I realised… that I had no idea how to tell Ursch-kun!!
Because it's strange, right? It’s super weird, right?!
If I just suddenly told him "I found Marie-chan two blocks to the right, in front of a fish shop," the conversation will go in the direction of "Really? How did you find her?” right?
I'll definitely be asked that, right?
How in the world am I supposed to explain this?!

But then again, if I think about it reaally carefully, it’s not that hard to explain it.

After all, it's not like I’m keeping the Magic Eyes a secret from Ursch-kun.
Isn't it fine to tell him the truth?!
It’s not okay to keep secrets from one’s future husband!!
But I’ll still be hiding the fact that my HP is King Kong-level!!
Resolving myself, I called out to Ursch-kun as he was looking around the vicinity.

"Ursch-kun, I’ve located Marie-chan two blocks to the right, in front of a fish shop."

"Oh nice. Well then, we better catch up before she gets away. Okay, let's run."

After replying, Ursch-kun gripped my hand tightly and dashed off.

You’re not going to ask how I found her? Why?
And you’re going to just unconditionally trust my remark which has no proof whatsoever?

As I was dumbfounded over Ursch-kun’s unexpected response, he continued to lead me by the hand while we ran through the streets.

We followed behind Marie-chan, keeping a 5 meters distance.
After we safely found Marie-chan, we agreed on tailing her until she delivered the letter to the Schneiver home.
As for the way back... she’s on her own for that.
I really wanted to ask Marie-chan if she was even trying to deliver the letter, seeing as she’s been walking around aimlessly for the past hour or so.

We left the manor in the early morning, but it’s already nearing lunchtime.
Everyone’s probably searching high and low for me by now.
Even though I’ve been hooked on playing Ninja these days, and everyone in the mansion had already gotten used with my disappearances, it’d definitely be bad if I were to not return by lunch…

I guess I’ll just make up an excuse about "accidentally falling asleep while I was hiding".

I started getting bored of shadowing Marie-chan, who was walking with no destination whatsoever, so I asked Ursch-kun about what happened earlier.
Why did you believe me? Why didn’t you ask any further?
When I did so, he started laughing and pointed at my face.

"Ahaha~ It’s because of your face, Isabella. It can’t lie.”

My face can’t lie?
What’s with that?

"See, that’s it right there~ Your face is telling me that you don’t get what I’ve just said. It’s a~ll written on your face. From when you were worrying about that maid, to when you managed to somehow find her, and when you were troubled on whether to tell me, all of it.”

I see!! As expected of a merchant’s son!! He’s good at reading facial expressions!!
And I guess my face is just that obvious…

"Besides, I want to believe you, Isabella. I think having even just one person who ‘you know with absolute certainty will believe you’, would be the most wonderful thing… And that’s exactly who I want to be to you, Isabella.”

At Ursch-kun’s words, I was rendered speechless.
While I kept silent, Ursch-kun stroked my head and continued.

"I didn’t ask about how you found her because… if I asked, you’d definitely tell me, right? However, you’d be telling me because you want to avoid keeping secrets from me, and not because you trust me, no? …I don’t want that.”

It’s exactly as he said.
I didn't trust Ursch-kun.
I thought that my abilities might be taken advantage of, might be exposed to everyone. Even so, if it would be a proof of my love, then I shall honestly answer any question he asks of me.

But in that, there was none of my trust in Ursch-kun.

I think that deep within myself, I hadn’t completely gotten rid of my obsession with “the game’s character, Ursch-kun”
I wasn't looking at Ursch-kun himself, but at the character named Ursch-kun.
I like you because you’re Ursch-kun, my favourite character.
Because you’re Ursch-kun, my favourite character, I will accept everything unconditionally.
Even if I’m to be used or betrayed, if it was by my beloved Ursch-kun, then…

Right now, the one before my eyes was not a game character, but the real, living Ursch-kun.
Not once had I looked directly at him for who he was.
And he must’ve noticed it.

As I remained silent with my head down, Ursch-kun continued stroking my head and spoke with his usual kind, gentle voice.

"I’ll wait forever, you know~? I’ll wait until you trust me, and decide to tell me about yourself, because I believe that you’ll believe in me, Isabella.”

Even though I didn’t look at him for who he was,
Even though I didn’t trust him,
Ursch-kun said that he believed in me.

I felt pathetic.
I felt sorry to Ursch-kun.

I was on the verge of tears, stubbornly keeping my head down, but Ursch-kun didn’t stop holding my hand.
Towards Ursch-kun, who silently continued to stroke my head,
Towards Ursch-kun, who had warm and gentle hands,
Towards Ursch-kun, who wasn’t just some game character, but here with me right now,

I fell in love for the first time.